Frequently Asked Questions
What are our goals?
The TRAR Foundation recognizes that Nashville's food system is not robust enough to support all its residents efficiently. Causes include restrictive zoning, lack of public transportation, lack of affordable housing, and rapid city development. As a result, many Nashvillians struggle to find nutritious food near their homes, trapped in food "deserts" and "swamps" with insufficient grocery stores and an abundance of fast food. Living in these areas negatively impacts community and individual health due to poor nutrition.
The TRAR Foundation aims to serve both populations by recovering food that would otherwise be wasted through generous donations from neighbors and delivering it to those who can use it before it spoils. We understand that individuals may find themselves in either group at different times. Our goal is to help everyone, whether by increasing access to nutritious food or reducing food waste.
Where are our activities centered?
TRAR Foundation is currently concentrating its activities in East Nashville. We chose this location as numerous neighborhoods in this area are recognized as food deserts, and East Nashville has experienced incredibly rapid development in the past few years and is poised to continue on this track in the coming decade. We hope to expand our activities as participation in our initiatives, particularly Porch2Porch, increases so that we can best scale our operation.
What initiatives are we pursuing?
To support our food recovery and access efforts, TRAR Foundation is launching Porch2Porch, an online platform that connects neighbors wanting to donate pantry items with those who can use them before expiration. Porch2Porch will use volunteer drivers to link donors and recipients, allowing users to choose the service that best fits their needs.
Porch2Porch is a small part of combating food insecurity in Nashville. To understand the broader issue, we are conducting a Community Needs Assessment in East Nashville's food deserts, examining access to grocery stores, transportation, and shopping habits. The findings will guide future TRAR initiatives.
Recognizing that limited transportation hinders grocery access, especially in food deserts and for the disabled, we are developing a volunteer driver service. This service will transport patrons to and from grocery stores at convenient times and assist with carrying groceries. We aim to launch this service soon.
How can I be involved?
We welcome anybody who would like to join our work with open arms! Through Porch2Porch, you can serve as a donor, recipient, or driver based on your needs and how you would like to participate. You can also complete our Community Needs Assessment to assist our research efforts. If you have an idea you would like to contribute, please do not hesitate to reach out to us through our Contact form. Finally, if you would like to support our work financially, we welcome donations. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so your donation is tax exempt. Additionally, the entirety of your donation will go directly towards supporting our initiatives. Thank you so much for supporting our organization and this work in whichever way you choose!